Dec 31, 2013

【Introducing Hotel Vol.026】 Taiwan Taipei Golden China Hotel (台湾 台北 康華大飯店)

今回は台湾の台北にある康華大飯店(Golden China Hotel)の紹介。






It is Vol026 of "Introducing Hotels I stayed at for now".
This time I want to introduce Golden China Hotel in Taipei, Taiwan.

It is the first hotel I stayed at in Taiwan and over around 10 years ago.

At that time the infrastructure such as MRT, load etc. was not established enough and I did not think this hotel was not clean.

Searching hotels in Taipei, I found some information that Golden China Hotel was rebuilt and I wanted to stay, got reservation.
The entrance and lobby is as of old and I feel longing for something past.
The staff of front desk is, as for old, so friendly and do speak Japanese.

It is just good hotel and I want to stay at again.

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