Aug 28, 2016

[Food] Japanese "Kushi-Katsu" in Osaka

Last week I went to Osaka on business and stayed at hotel, Nishitetsu-Inn Shinsaibashi  in Namba (south area of Osaka city). Please refer to the following movie.

As only me and I was sleepy, I though it was enough to have convenience-store's food for dinner.
But I reconsidered "Here is Osaka, famous as good food, so called "Kuidaore" and went out to find restaurant.

A few minutes walking around the hotel, we just found "Kushikatsu-Shop" as the following picture shows, named "Tanaka".

It has been around 20 years to eat "Kushikatsu" since I did last time.

It was so good!!

I strongly recommended you visit to the restaurant !!
URL of this restaurant is (But only Japanese)

Beef muscle boiled well 


Kushikatsu !!
Be care it is prohibited to attach the source more than twice.

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